close-up of white young female caregiver holding hand of white elderly female

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Client: My mom started in-home hospice a couple of weeks ago. It’s not what I expected. She’s like a zombie from the amount of medication they’re giving her. No one will give me a straight answer about why they’re keeping her so medicated. I’m trying to do what’s best for her and it feels like no one will listen to me.

Me: You know you can fire them and hire another hospice service, right?



Client: Really?

Me: Yep.

Client: (Crying) I’m so relieved! I thought I was stuck with them! (Laughing) I’m calling the new hospice now and then I’m going to call these guys and tell them to come get their stuff out of here!

Me: (Laughing) That’s the spirit!

Client followed up with me a week later to say that the new service was “fantastic,” and that her mom was “back” and able to fully engage in a number of important last conversations with her.

Sometimes the smallest intervention changes everything!

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About the Author: Kathy Miller

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