The Dot Method © – an Interactive Workbook to Teach Kids about Cancer

Introducing a valuable resource for Certified Death Midwives called The Dot Method ©. This is an interactive workbook to teach kids about cancer, written and created by Kelsey Mora, a dual Certified Child Life Specialist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. Ms Mora is specifically trained not only to support children and adolescents individually, but also to guide caregivers on how to deliver difficult news to the children in their care. 

 The Dot Method © uses simple visuals, honest language, and a workbook format to untangle medical jargon and unfamiliar scenarios and present them in a way that makes sense to children and young adults. 

What is so unique about The Dot Method © is that it is intended for children impacted by any cancer relationship. The artist of the book is the child who uses it. On page 3 the child writes the name of the person who has or had cancer and uses the body outline to create that person. The child could be creating the workbook about themself, a sibling, a parent, or another relative or friend.

Additionally, the workbook allows for different types of cancers, treatments, and outcomes to be expressed. Throughout the workbook, the child uses The Dot Method © to learn about healthy cells in the body, cancer cells, and how treatment works to get rid of as many cancer cells as possible. The workbook includes a how to guide and child friendly cancer glossary for the adult user to modify and adapt for the children in their care. It also acknowledges how to cope with good and difficult days, identify a support system, and that when treatment isn’t working, that we can focus on helping the person to live as long and as well as possible.

The Dot Method © is available for purchase on Amazon or in discounted bulk orders through Ms. Mora’s website at

This is a great resource to use or share with a family navigating pediatric or adult cancer with young children. 

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About the Author: Kathy Miller

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