My Heart’s Calling

My serving others as a Death Midwife came calling. It's often said that this work finds you, you don't find it! Caring for family members and friends over time went from being stressful to natural and fulfilling. The deaths of both of my parents in the 1980s helped show me a core of strength I didn't think was mine. As our world seemed to unravel in the 2000s, more aging friends asked for my support in both practical and personal tasks. These times were rich with friendship and grace. During Pandemic isolation the words "End Of Life Doula" crossed my desk, a lightbulb moment!

Every single piece of becoming an EOLD floated effortlessly into place. As a retired Licensed Massage Therapist, my years of training in bodywork showed me the importance of energy, balance, physiology, touch, and presence. Completing the EOLD program through The University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine, and my volunteering in Hospice made my soul happy. Each hospice client had something important to teach me. Now in my 5th and likely final career, it's a miracle to me that I can offer my service and presence, my heart's calling.

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About the Author: Ellen Stetson

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