An Invitation!

One of the repeated comments from those who have gone through training as Death Midwives relates to feeling that if they are not attending the dying at the last breath, they are not really Death Midwives.

Of course, we know that isn't true, but there is an honesty in the sharing.

We also know that there are so many ways to work with and support the dying and their families. We serve, we create, we bless, we well as hold.

2023 will bring some opportunities to put voice not only to what you personally are doing in the world that is an expression of death work, but also to help expand the list of resources we need and can offer to each other.

Some of us are creating vessels, monuments, or legacy videos. Some are developing tools for documenting last wishes and needs. Some are active in the funeral industry, and some are creating green burial grounds.

We are reclaiming the folk ways and at the same time working in a world of advancements. In either case, it is the hands-on working in the areas we feel passionate about that adds the deep compassion and humanity to the end of life care and presence we offer.

We see you, and this is an invitation. In the next few weeks members of the NACDM (National Association of Certified Death Midwives) will be reaching out to you to ask what you need, and to invite you to share what you are already doing.

We hope you will accept our invitation, allow us to create an opportunity to share with the greater community what you are doing, and also share what you need to feel better supported and informed.

Share this with your friends and followers!

About the Author: Patricia Ballentine


  1. Catherine LaForza Jan 4, 2023 at 1:16 pm CST - Reply

    Love it and definitely want to be included

  2. Meg K Jan 4, 2023 at 6:54 pm CST - Reply

    Would love to be invited. I have taken a level one and two with A Sacred Passing and am currently finishing up a certificate program with Doulagivers. Is this a space for me even tho im just getting started? Thanks

    • Patricia Ballentine Jan 5, 2023 at 2:00 pm CST - Reply

      Meg, this absolutely is a place for you! We grow and learn together.

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